Wine Racks & Wine Cellar Reel October 2024
Beautiful bespoke wine racks and wine cellar projects
A&M Wine Racks UK continue to the the popular choice for hand crafted bespoke wine racks and wine cellar.
Here is our first attempt at putting a video showreel together for the type of projects we are commissioned to deliver.
What is lovely to see is the range of wine rack solutions, from small in-built racks that hold maybe 150 bottles of wine, through to large commercial wine rack projects that hold thousands and then the highly stylised home wine cellar where beautiful aesthetics is the priority.
I hope this shows the range of work, and our capacity to work with home owners, businesses and interior designers.
If you are thinking about how best to house your wine collection, or spirit collection, then please get in touch.
See more projects on: wine cellar inspiration
See our: wine rack photo gallery